Together We Thrive
Together We Thrive
Motherhood and Islam, an entrepreneurial approach
Sheri An has used her skills in business to launch Umme, a first of its kind platform aimed at Muslim women who are on their pregnancy journey. In this chat we talk about her childhood as a daughter of a Jamaican single mother, she shares beautifully her deep relationship with her Mum, Joanne, the challenges of being a teenager who wanted to explore the world to how she ended up visiting Barbados and the next part of her journey which she shares and tells in the most beautiful way. Get ready to go around the world in this episode!
She has put her heart and soul into Umme and has developed and nurtured an awesome team around her of committed, focused Muslim women, all of it testimony to who she is as a leader and to what she stands for.
Check out Umme on their website here
And on Instagram here