Together We Thrive
Together We Thrive
Zainab's story of abuse
Recorded in January 2023
In this episode we hear from Zainab (not her real name) who bravely speaks about the abuse she suffered by her now ex husband. We talk about patterns to look out for, why Muslim communities are seeing more of this being talked about and lots of tips and words of advice from Zainab to help others. And yes, this is also a story of hope, of light at the end of the tunnel.
If you or anyone you know needs help and support because of suffering abuse or violence please consider some of the organisations below. They are there for everybody.
And following Zainab’s advice, write down what is happening to you, keep a diary or a record of when and what happens. Dates. Times. Triggers. Things that were said. It is a really tough thing to do but can be so useful in helping you see it all more clearly and for if you need to explain it to others any time in the future.
Find your own support among family, friends, people you can trust.
Always have a safety plan in mind. Where can you go? Who can give you help?
You are not alone. Reach out.
Zainab is helping us start a whole series of conversations about issues of abuse. Her story and that of others will all be collated here over the coming months:
Nour is an Arabic word meaning ‘light’ and Nour exists as a healing light for sufferers of abuse and trauma. Nour was founded by women from minoritised backgrounds, in recognition that assumptions made about who experiences abuse and the narratives around domestic abuse in minoritised communities are impacting the ability of survivors to come forward and access support.
NHS signposting for help and support:
Women’s Aid
National Helpline 24/7 - Tel: 0808 2000 247